Dec 6, 2010

Lumberjacking - Part Two

DH took Friday off and brought home the log splitter he rented.  He then proceeded to split all the logs that he had collected a couple of weekends ago into suitable firewood.  

Then he had to stack the split firewood on the log racks.

And as he was a bit zealous in collecting logs, he had lots of extra firewood which he had to stack at one end of our horse shed (no, we don't have any horses, but a prior owner of our property apparently did).  I think we are good to go with firewood.  ;-)

I spent Saturday in Austin at the I35 Stitchtogether - more about that tomorrow.



Rachel S-H said...

Will you use all that firewood this winter?

Gloria said...

Wow! I believe you will be nice and warm this winter.