Feb 2, 2010

GAH! Clouds and more clouds

It's been cloudy here for days and it will continue to be cloudy and rainy here for more days. I'm turning into a mushroom and wilting...ting...ting...
I'm still plugging along on the BAP. I'll probably only show progress pictures once a week - probably on Friday.
I'm looking forward to Saturday as it is the IH35 Stitchtogether. I haven't decided on what project to take; should I work on the BAP or my ongoing Stitchtogether WIP? I'll decide later.
Emma is not allowed on our bed unless invited. Occasionally, she sneaks up there. "Who me? I'm not up on the bed."


Mary said...

Actually, I think that you should bring something totally new to stitch! You need a break from the BAP...and the other...um...you've working on that a long time. Ok, that's not a bad thing, just wanting to contribute to your "stitching" delinquency...bwhwhahahaha.

I think Spring might be on the way. I'm seeing signs all over my yard. I'm soooooo ready.


Gloria said...

Emma looks so comfy. I think that place on the bed should be hers anytime she wants. :)

I hope Mary is right about Spring being on the way. I'm ready.

Bette said...

Emma is so cute! What a face!