Feb 15, 2010

President's Day Stitch-A-Thon

Apparently, there are stitch-a-thons going on all over as many people have today off for President's Day. I didn't formally sign up for one, but I intend to get as much stitching in today as I can in between loads of laundry. I did get to stitch quite a bit this weekend. Here is where I am on my WIP as of this morning.
I'll post another picture tomorrow and we'll see how well I did with my stitch-a-thon intentions. The sun is out today so all is right with my world.


Rachel S-H said...

You can doo eet!

LoriRay said...

My stitch-a-thon intentions were good but didn't get near as much stitching done as I wanted. Oh well, at least some stitching got done on a WIP I've been avoiding. :)

Looking forward to seeing your progress picture.