Mar 28, 2010

Plumbing continued

DH got the sewer lines all figured out and then we made a trip to Lowe's for the piping and supplies.  After we got home, he laid the pipes where they will go.  He plans to take a few days off this week and rent a DitchWitch to dig all the trenches.  I'm so glad he'll be able to do this!  It's finally been dry enough to work on it, and there's no rain in the forecast until next weekend, and then it's only a slight chance of rain.  (The weird little grey thing by the house is our septic system aerator.)
I think I got in about 20 stitches yesterday; it's been a dry week for me as far as stitching goes.
Today, DH is out putting up a new mailbox at the end of our driveway.  The road leading to our driveway is about five miles long.  Everybody on the road gets driveway mailbox delivery except those of us along the last 3/4 mile.  We've been getting our mail up by the highway at a "clump" of mailboxes.  A lady down the road took it upon herself to petition the post office for driveway delivery.  It took her nearly two years to get it approved.  But delivery will finally start in the second week of April!  Yay! 


Gloria said...

It looks like lots of work ahead for your DH. I am happy to see that Inspector Emma is on the job.

Woo Hoo for mailbox at the end of the driveway!

Mary said...

haha...I was getting to say the same as Gloria...except I was gonna call her Emma the Supervisor!

Hey, I'm not getting much stitching in has a way of GETTING in the way.

Y'all are making great progress.
