As I read several stitching message boards, most of which are international, I love it when I learn a new non-American word. I recently learned the word "whinge." It is pronounced hwinj and is used in the U.K. and Australia to mean "to complain annoyingly or continuously about something relatively unimportant." It's pretty much the same as good ol' American whining, but with an over-the-pond flavor.
Today I am whinging about not stitching since last Sunday. I may run off to a desert island somewhere to hide and stitch. I am going into withdrawal. I'd go fondle my stash but it is all packed up in boxes. True, this is not important in the overall scheme of things, but it is important to me! *whinge*
However, work on the new house is going along. DH and I started laying the wood floor in the bedroom yesterday. We should finish it today. Pictures later as the camera is out at the house.
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