Dec 30, 2009


As a child, I was never fascinated by cars, trucks, tractors, or planes. As I grew up in the city, I never thought that I would ever own a tractor - only farmers own those.
However, now I live out in the country on a dirt road with "the long driveway with drainage issues and Texas slick-as-snot-when-wet dirt" that needs repair and maintenance. Our acreage is covered in trees and some grass areas, all of which have been neglected for a long time and are very unkempt. We need a tractor. We need a tractor with landscaping capabilities, not crop tending capabilities. Before this week, I never knew there was a difference. ☺
While farming tractors have implements like discs or harrows or hay balers, landscaping tractors use implements like pasture shredders (mowers), front-end loaders, back hoes, box blades, and post hole diggers (and snow blowers, although I doubt we'll need one down here). Yes, I now know the difference and usage of all these. ☺
DH has spent a lot of time on the phone this week talking to tractor dealers, friends with tractors, and people who repair tractors. I have spent hours on the internet researching and pricing tractors. We learned that - as with cars - there are "grades" of tractors. We will be buying the "Hyundai" grade (Kubota) of tractor, although DH will be going out and talking to the guys at the "Chevy" grade (John Deere) of tractor store this afternoon.
Unless they make him an offer we can't refuse, we will then go to "The Nation's #1 Volume Kubota Dealer" up in Normangee and buy this tractor with a pasture shredder, box blade, and front-end loader.
I have no problem with the Kubota tractor other than it is a nauseating shade of t.u. orange. Maybe I'll name it Bevo.
I haven't stitched in two days as I've been online looking at tractors. I am tired of tractors and doubt I'll ever feel compelled to stitch one. However, I do intend to learn to operate this new tractor; DH can't keep all the fun to himself. Look out world!

1 comment:

Mary said...

Orange is good. You'll get good vibes and much happiness...bwhahahaha.
